Ιστότοπος Κιατίπη

Kiatipis Website

Συγγραφείς /Αρθρογράφοι

Writings and Speeches by Professor Dr. Heinz A. Richter


Στις 6.6.2012 είχα λάβει ηλεκτρονικό μήνυμα με το πιο πάνω θέμα. Το μήνυμα αυτό ανήρτησα στον Ιστότοπο  την ίδια μέρα και την επομένη το έστειλα στο φίλο Γερμανο καθηγητή Dr. Heinz A. Richter για να εκφράσει απ' αυτού άποψη. Σήμερα πήρα την απάντηση από τον καθηγητή και την παραθέτω πιο κάτω, μετά το μήνυμά μου.



Am 07.06.2012 12:25, schrieb Chambis Kiatipis:

Dear Prof. Richter,

I received this message and I thought it might be of some interest to you.

If you have some time to read it, I shall appreciate a comment on your behalf.

All the best,




Friendly yours,

Chambis Kiatipis

Kiatipis Website



From: Prof. Dr. Heinz A. Richter [mailto:hrichter@rumms.uni-mannheim.de]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 10:37 AM
To: Chambis Kiatipis


Ag. Chambi,

In my new book I go into the details of the reparation question on many pages. Here some facts in telegraphese.

Italy "paid" reparations by giving to the Greeks a few old ships; worth: some 30 millions $
Bulgaria was to pay a certain sum but the the Bulgarian communists who ruled the country then did not pay.

Beginning in 1946 the western forces (GB, F, NL, etc) began to remove all industrial material from Germany and transported it to the various countries. Greece got30,000 tons of industrial goods,*  worth 30 million $. The first 10,000 tons were shipped in 1950 on English ships which never arrived in Greece. The other 20,000 tons corroded and were sold to an English company. The money never arrived in Greece.

In 1953 the Americans and the other western allies wanted Germany to rearm and build a new army against the Soviets. Adenauer told them either we re-arm or we pay reparations. Thus an agreement was signed in London in 1953: Reparations would be paid after a reunification of Germany.
This meant postponement ad calendas Graecas (never).

But there were two countries which received reparation payments: Yugoslavia and Greece. YU received 500 million DM and Greece 300 million DM both in the form of extremely cheap credits. But in bothe cases these sums were not called reparations. Both sides, however, knew that these sums were reparations and agreed upon that. It was Karamanlis who received the 300 million credit in 1958.
Besides that Greece received another 115 million DM for "typical Nazi crimes" as was stated. In reality these were reparations as well. It was understood that the Greeks could use the sum as they liked. A few DMs reached some right wing Jewish families of Salonika the rest went into the budget and the pockets of soem politicians......

Besides that I found evidence that Karamanlis agreed to cancel the so-called katochiko daneio.  At least this is what Angelos Angelopoulos wrote in a memorandum in 1964.

Much more could be said. In two years my new book on the years 1950-1974 will come out in Greek. I hope these few remarks help you to see things a little clearer.

Enkardia chairetismata



*.  "Greece got 30,000 tons of industrial goods...". Maybe is not the right expression, because as he explains right after that, Greece never got any of the industrial material. Most probably it should be: "Greece's share was supposed to be 30000 tons...".

It is also not clear what happened to the credit mentioned. Was it treated as loan on which Greece had to pay installments on the capital and interest and thus it is included in the whole dept Greece owes to foreign lenders? What really happened to the above mentioned credit?

Finally, I may conclude that  no negotiations took place ever and so no official agreement between Greece and Germany for compensating Greece for what the occupying Italian, Bulgarian and Nazi German forces did to her between 1941 and 1944. So, if I'm correct on my conclusion Greece has still the right to ask reparations from the invading and occupying forces.

